May 2009

Heya Girls!
Welcome to May's Beauty of Holiness!! I'm actually on time this week, because with 2 weddings coming up in the next 5 and a half weeks I thought I ought to get this edition done while I still have some breathing time. As always, I pray it's a blessing to you, and I hope that the Lord will fill you with His peace and joy as you experience this beautiful spring. God bless and keep you! -Joanna

A Single Thread

Quotes That Bless Me

It Is Well

Jehovah Who?

The Perfect GPS

Lord I Need You

Thank you Lauren and Rachel for all your help! You are such a blessing!

1 comment:

Rachel S. said...

Thank you, Joanna, for sharing yet another lovely issue with all of us. I am always encouraged and blessed when I visit your blog- and I'm sure I'm not the only one. What I loved most about this issue is that it seemed to have a commen theme throughout it all about trusting in our Heavenly Father's love and direction in our life. This is a topic that I need to be re-inspired in often. The Lord used your writing to speak to me- thank you for being willing to be a vessel for the Master's use. I love you, girl!