January 2009

Hello sweet people!
I hope, first of all, that your Christmas and New Year's celebrations were richly blessed with the presence of our Savior, and that you're slipping back into the swing of 'normal' life without too much pain/insanity/boredom.

I would love to have some kind of excellent excuse for being so terribly late and unprepared for this issue, but I don't. All I can say is that I was too lazy to be punctual, and I'm sorry.

I don't have a lot, but Heidi and Rachel both made valiant and beautiful efforts to rescue me, and I wrote a slightly confused, middle-of-the-night post that I hope someone enjoys, even if it doesn't make a lot of sense.

Anyway, your three "articles" for this month are:

(just let me feel guilty about neglecting you, okay?)

Our Strong and Perfect Plea
('cause with such a beautiful Lord, why not delight in Him?)

Happy New Year!
(we hope...it's up to you, really.)

God bless and keep you, and show Himself more beautiful every day!

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