You Owe Me One

You've heard people say it a thousand times; "you owe me for this one" or "I owe you one." The saying refers to favors; things people do for other people out of love or just simple kindness. A true favor does not leave you actually owing anything, but is freely given. A gift is not a gift when something is expected in return- instead it's a purchased item.

That said, when someone does something for us it is natural and right to return gratitude, and to be ready and willing to do something for them when the time comes, isn't it? If a friend buys your lunch because you forgot your wallet then a time will likely come when you buy their lunch, but you'll be glad to do it because they once did the same for you. You didn't "owe" it to them, because they would never require it or demand it, but your hearts owes it, so you pay gladly.

. As Christian's we no longer have any debt to sin or to God's justice. We are free. Justice is satisfied because Christ finished it all on the cross We no longer have to yeild to sin, we no longer have to follow our sinful hearts, we no longer have to satisfy our lusts because we are free from them.

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